Monthly Archives: August 2016

“Through the awful grace of God.” #Elections2016

Thanks to Barb Taub for her blog post. I had never heard RFK’s speech before. It certainly made me wonder how history would have been changed had this Kennedy and Martin Luther King not fallen as victims of assassins’ bullets.

I haven’t blogged about my opinions on this upcoming election, yet, but anyone who knows me on Facebook or for real is  well aware of them. They boil down to this: The election of Donald J Trump would be a catastrophe for the world as we know it. Period.


Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God. —Aeschylus (525-426 BCE) Thi…

Source: “Through the awful grace of God.” #Elections2016


Filed under Fiction and Other Truths