Deck the Halls



It’s that time of year again when our heads are full of sugar plums – or at least the modern equivalent. To put it another way: We’ve got Christmas on the brain and can think of nothing except all the stuff needed for making it a great holiday for one and all.
It’s a bit of a spoiler, though, getting all of these damn letters looking for donations. The Red Cross, UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, ad infinitum. I made the mistake of reading one of them about the homeless young man in Hamburg who was probably going to freeze to death for lack of a warm jacket and any hot nourishment. Or the elderly lady whose pension is so small that once the rent and utilities are paid, there’s no money left for food. Then there are the Syrian refugees, desperate to be somewhere safe and also in need of food and clothing.
How dare they ruin my fantasy of the wonderful world out there, full of colored lights, Christmas trees and good times for all!
In fact, the damage is done. All those letters have made the rot spread in my brain. So whatever you do, don’t ask me what I want for Christmas. I’ve got more than I need of everything. Please make a donation to the organization of your choice instead, even if it is small and you feel like it couldn’t possibly make a difference. All those small contributions add up and will help. We must believe that! Of course, if that’s all too impersonal for you, maybe there’s someone in the neighborhood who could use a helping hand.


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